Todd: OK, Steve you were saying that you're a big hockey fan.
Steve: That's right. I love hockey.
Todd: OK. Why? What is it about hockey?
Steve: Well, hockey is a really exciting sport. It's played on the ice. It's really fast. It's aggressive. Also, it requires a lot of skill. It's a really good sport for spectators to watch because there's lots of action. You can watch it at home with friends. Drink beer, eat pizza, and have a really good time. I also like it because I'm Canadian and it's Canada's national sport, and Canada is the best hockey team in the world right now.
Todd: Now Canada has the best hockey team.
Steve: That's right. We won the gold medal. We won the world championship. Both the men's and the women's teams.
Todd: Wow, that's pretty cool. In hockey, how long is the game?
Steve: The game is three twenty minute periods, but because of stoppages in play , it usually takes about two and a half hours for a whole game.
Todd: Oh, OK, and did you play in high school when you were younger?
Steve: Ah, no, I'm not that good a skater. You have to be a really good skater, but I played street hockey and floor hockey.
Todd: OK, what's the difference between street hockey and ice hockey?
Steve: Well, it's pretty much the same thing. Street hockey you play on the road or on a tennis court and instead of using a puck you use a hockey ball or a tennis ball.
Todd: OK, and do you run or?
Steve: Yeah, you run.
Todd: Oh, you run!
Steve: Yeah. It's pretty well the same game.
Todd: OK, alright, thanks Steve.