Todd: So, where did you grow up in England? Mark: So, I grew up in a place called Bradford
Todd: Yeah Mark: Actually Bradford is famous in England for two things. One, it's famous for curry. Indian curry because in Bradford we have a lot of Indian and muslim people, but also it's famous for riots because Bradford had major riots in England, it's had maybe the two worst riots in England for the past 10 years and that's due to racism basically.
Todd: Really Mark: Yeah
Todd: Oh, no! Is it a rough area? Mark: Yeah, it's very working class. Yeah, not so much money in Bradford, pretty poor.
Todd: What was it like growing up there, like, what did you do as a kid? Mark: What did I do as a kid? It was, it was tough, I lived on a government, well we call it councilor estate, maybe in America it's called maybe government assisted housing, so my area was pretty tough, but always there were lots of kids around so we were always playing football, cricket, or riding bikes or sometimes causing mischief.
Todd: How would you cause mischief? Mark: It depends, maybe sometimes there's an old guy who nobody likes who lives near us so we go and throw maybe eggs at his windows and as we grew older we started throwing rocks at his windows, yeah.
Todd: What would you do if you had a house now and some kid threw eggs at your house? Mark: If some kid threw eggs at my house I'd probably buy a big dog and set the dog off the least and the dog can chase the kids away.