Jose: Ecuador, what do you want to know about my country?
Todd: Well, can you talk about Ecuador like, um, you're from Ecuador?
Jose: Yes, yes!
Todd: How big is Ecuador?
Jose: 80% of Japan.
Todd: Oh, really! 80% the size.
Jose: The size of Japan.
Todd: OK, what is the landscape like of the country?
Jose: Ecuador is a country where you can experience, they say, all seasons in one day. You have so many microclimates because you have the Andes ranges, you have the coast and then you have two ranges, mountains, it's got actually, it's called the avenue volcanoes. It's got key mountains. It's very beautiful. You have these subtropical valleys and then you have, you go to the amazon basin. You have the jungle. So you have the jungle from the coast, the jungle also going to the Amazon, and you have this beautiful area in the Andes, so it's very, very nice.
Todd: Oh, I want to go!
Jose: Please, please come!
Todd: OK, when is the best time of year to Ecuador?
Jose: Also, as I said the micro climate, that means that it depends on where you want to go. You want to go to the Galapagos the best time is from November to April probably.
Todd: I don't want to go there now because you scared me because you said about the people going there.
Jose: Yeah, yes! But it's a very beautiful place. I mean if you go just like tourist, you're going to, it's fantastic, it's a unique place. You can actually swim with the sea lions and they are chomping next to you, very beautiful. But I can not separate nature and from the people, so that is my problem. I think Ecuador is a very interesting place to be.
Todd: Well, I would like to go. I'd like to go Ecuador and learn Spanish actually.
Jose: Yeah, there are so many schools actually. There is a big business. Lots of music and culture. Mm, very pretty girls. That is the part that you like.
Todd: Maybe! 303 Music
Todd: OK, Adrienne, let's talk about abilities. What are you good at?
Adrienne: Um, I don't know.
Todd: You don't know?
Adrienne: I really don't know!
Todd: Well, I was looking at your photos, and you can play the violin.
Adrienne: That's true!
Todd: And you can sing very well.
Adrienne: Ah, I can sing some.
Todd: OK, so, tell us about playing the violin.
Adrienne: I really enjoy playing the violin. I've been playing for many, many years since I was a little girl and everyone in my family plays an instrument so it's part of what we do together as a family.
Todd: So when you were little you practiced every day?
Adrienne: I did. My mom made me. I didn't have a choice. It's good for discipline though, or at least that's what she told me.
Todd: So, how would you practice? Did you have a tutor come over to your house?
Adrienne: No, I had a violin teacher once a week and when I was really small I went to group lessons also, so it was once a week with a private and once a week with a group.
Todd: Wow! That's a lot. What did you think about the violin when you were little?
Adrienne: I don't remember thinking about it. I don't even remember learning how to play. I was only two so (so young) I know. I was still in diapers, but my mom said that when I had my first recital that I really wanted to play in the recital and she said I absolutely could not play on stage in a diaper so that's basically how she got me out of my diapers. So she says!
Todd: When did you stop playing?
Adrienne: I haven't stopped.
Todd: Oh, you still practice.
Adrienne: I still play although I don't have my violin here in Japan, right now. I'm kind of on a break I guess. I just don't like to carry it around overseas.
Todd: Is it hard to be away from your violin?
Adrienne: It is sometimes. I miss it. I miss playing with my family too, cause we're kind of like the Van Trap family, which you know from the movie The Sound of Music.
Todd: No, no, I don't. I've never seen the movie.
Adrienne: Oh, you haven't? The Sound of Music is about a family in, I think it's Austria and they all play an instrument or sing and it's a World War II movie and that's how they escape the Nazis, from singing or something. It's kind of like that, except for without the war.
Todd: Well, I have to see the movie so!
Adrienne: Yeah, you should.
Todd: So are you going to play the violin for me sometime?
Adrienne: Sure! If you can find a violin I will.