A:How much for these autographed Elvis records?這些貓王的簽名唱片多少錢﹖
B:Thirty bucks a record. Or five for one hundred and twenty bucks.一張三十元?;蚴俏鍙堃话俣?。
A:Uh, I'm not sure. Are these all in good condition?嗯,我還得想想。它們都保存得很好嗎﹖
B:Absolutely. I bought them from the King's estate myself! Tell you what-I'll let you have five for one hundred bucks.當(dāng)然。它們是我親自從貓王家買來的!要不這樣——讓你一百元買五張。
A:I don't really need five.我其實不太需要五張新唱片耶。
B:OK. Five for eighty-five bucks. That's my final offer.好啦。五張八十五元。這是底限了。
A:Oh, why not? I'll take 'em.噢,有何不可呢﹖我買了.