你相不相信個性決定命運呢?有些人天生舉棋不定,三心兩意,連吃飯點菜都拿不定主意,最后還是亂點一通。對于這些經(jīng)常改變主意的人,他們常把這句話掛在嘴邊:I changed my mind at the last minute. (我在最后一分鐘改變主意),有時候,你也可揶揄他說:Does it work any better?(這樣子比較好嗎?)。談到終身大事,就不能用change my mind這么簡單。舉例說:What happened to Joey? She's supposed to get married last week.(祖兒發(fā)生什么事?她應(yīng)該在上星期結(jié)婚)原來她變了心(She had a change of heart) 。
A: Why didn't you take the new job? It would have been a great opportunity for you.
B: I changed my mind at the last minute as I was going to sign the employment contract.
A: What happened?
B: They introduced me to their general manager and she's my ex-girlfriend.
I changed my mind at the last minute.即‘我在最后一刻改變主意’。這‘最后一刻’英文還有一個叫法:(at) the eleventh hour。
At the eleventh hour是‘第十一個鐘頭’,為什么解作‘最后一刻’?這成語原來出自《圣經(jīng).馬太福音》第二十章:葡萄園主招人到園里工作,議定一天一錢銀子。他清早雇用了一批工人,十一小時之后,快要收工了,他又雇用了一批。收工時,遲來的和早來的一樣,都獲得一錢銀子工資。這是‘進天國不分來早來遲’的比喻。所以,at the eleventh hour就是‘最后’的意思,例如:I finished my work at the eleventh hour.(我在最后一刻把工作做完了)。
改變主意,往往是重新考慮的結(jié)果。這‘重新考慮’英文叫second thought(s),例如:At first I supported the proposal, but on second thoughts I decided against it.(最初我支持那建議,但重新考慮之后,決定反對)。英諺說:Second thoughts are best.(三思而行,是最好的)。留意on second thoughts的決定,總是和最初的決定不同。
三思而行,不等于猶豫不決。猶豫不決,英文叫做in two minds,例如:I'm in two minds about the job offer.(接不接受那職位,我拿不定主意)。當(dāng)然,假如前度戀人會做你的上司,不接受或可免尷尬。‘前度戀人’英文俗稱old flame(舊的火焰),頗為有趣。