本文是經(jīng)典愛情電影對白系列The Lake House(湖邊小屋,又叫“觸不到的戀人”)的第三段對白。
Kate:Dear new tenant, welcome to your new home. As the previous tenant, let me say, I hope you'll like living here as much as I did. I filed the change of address with the post office but, you know what a crapshoot that can be. So if anything slips through, would you do me a favor and forward my mail? I'd appreciate it. My new address is below. Thanks in advance. P.S.:
Alex:Sorry about the paw prints by the front door. They were there when l moved in. Same with the box in the attic. Paw prints? What the hell is she talking a bout?
Kate:Hey, baby girl. Hi. Hi. Hey. Fix the light. Get dog food, huh? Get human food.
1. tenant:n. 房客
2. crapshoot:有風險的事業(yè)。這里指Kate擔心郵局會出錯,仍然把她的信寄到舊的地址。
3. do me a favor:幫我一個忙。
4. I'd appreciate it.:這句是在美國口語里經(jīng)常用到的表示“感謝、感激”的話。
5. in advance:提前,預先
6. attic:n. 閣樓,頂樓
7. what the hell:(用以加強語氣或咒罵)究竟,到底,也是口語里常用的。