A:I’d like to be fitted for a suit please.我想要做一件外套。
B:Certainly. Have you decided which material you would like the suit to be made from? We have a selection of materials over here.當然。你想要什么料子的?我們這人有幾種選擇。
A:Well, I thought that I would choose either this one or that one. I really want a dark blue suit. Which do you recommend.好吧,我想要這種或是這種。我想要件深藍色的外套。你推薦哪個?
B:This material is a little more expensive, but is of much higher quality.這種面料有點貴,但是質量很好。
A:Yes. I can feel the difference in material. There’s not much difference in price. Ok, I’ll take the more expensive one.是。我能感覺出料子不一樣。價格沒有差太大。好吧,我要貴一點兒的。
B:Fine. I’ll measure you for the suit.…shoulder…waist…inside leg…forearm…upper arm…thank you.I’ll prepare the suit for you tomorrow. Could you come again the day after tomorrow just to check that the suit fits correctly. Then I will make the final suit within a few days.好的。我量一下尺寸。肩寬、腰圍、腿圍、手臂、胳膊、謝謝。我明天就為你做。你能后天再過來一次以確定是否合身嗎?在這之后的幾天內,我就會把最終的外套做好。
A:That’s fine. I would also like a few shirts and a jacket. I don’t need them specially made. Those shirts over there look very nice. Are they made of cotton?好的。我還想要襯衫和夾克。不需要特別做,那邊那些就不錯。是棉質的嗎?
B:Yes, they are. How many would you like and of which color?是。你要幾件?什么顏色的?
A:I’ll take three light blue ones, please.我要三件淺藍色的。
B:Are you looking for a casual jacket or something formal?你要休閑一點的夾克還是正式點的?
A:Just a casual one- a sport jacket. This one looks nice. I’ll just try it on.…yes, that ’s fine. I’ll take it. Here’s my credit card.要休閑運動點的夾克。這件不錯。我要試試。嗯,不錯。這是我的信用卡。
B:Thank you very much, sir. I’ll put the shirts and jacket into a bag for you.謝謝你先生。我把襯衫和夾克給你包起來。
A:Thank you very much. I’ll see you the day after tomorrow.謝謝。后天見。