A:Dad, when will you finish your cooking?爸爸,你什么時候才能做完飯啊?
B:Several minutes.幾分鐘。
A:So what should I do now?那我現在該干什么呢?
B:Then, pass me a bowl for the soup.遞給我一個盛湯的碗。
A:Where's the bowl gone?碗在哪兒啊?
B:Look for it yourself, please! Kinda busy here, Daniel!自己去找找啊。我這兒現在非常忙,丹尼爾。
B:Check the drawer.看看那個抽屜里有沒有。
A:OK, got it, but its shape is so strange. I don't like it.好了,找到了,但是它的形狀好奇怪啊,我不喜歡這個碗。
B:Can it hold soup?那它能盛湯嗎?
B:It smells sweet. Mom and May are gonna love it. Get them for dinner, Daniel!聞起來可真是香啊。媽媽和阿美絕對會喜歡的。丹尼爾,叫媽媽和姐姐過來吃飯。
A:Mommy! Dinner please!媽咪,吃飯了。