A:Dad, something wrong with our washing machine and a lot of clothes need to be wash. What should I do about it?爸爸,我們的洗衣機壞了,好多衣服要洗呢。怎么辦呢?
B:Ur, I am busy with my work. There is a coin-operated washing machine on the first floor. Let’s go.恩,我在忙我的工作呢。一樓有一個投幣洗衣機,我們去吧。
A:Coin-operated washing machine? That sounds interesting.投幣洗衣機?聽起來很有趣。
B:You just have to follow the instructions and put three coins in the slot of that washing machine.你只需要按照說明,投三個硬幣在洗衣機的投幣孔里就行了。
A:So easy! Do I need to put some washing powder in?這么簡單!我需要加洗衣粉進去嗎?
B:No, you needn’t. That’s an automatic washer, all we need to do is just put the clothes in and then press the power button.不,不需要。那是自動洗衣機,我們需要做的就是把衣服放進去,然后按電源按鈕。
A:Does it dry the clothes too?它也能甩干衣服嗎?
B:Yes. It spins and dries the clothes and also sterilizes them after that. Pick up the clothes. Let’s go.是的。它旋轉甩干衣服,然后對其進行消毒。帶上衣服,我們走吧。
A:Dad, put three coins in this slot, right? Does it work if I put in two?爸爸,投三個硬幣在這個投幣孔里,對吧?如果我投兩個它會轉嗎?
B:If you put two, it doesn’t work; and if you put four, it will refund one. Believe it or not, see for yourself.如果你投兩個硬幣,它不會轉;如果你投四個,它會退一個。信不信由你,試一試吧。
A:Dad, I put four in as you said but it doesn’t refund anything. Something wrong?爸爸,我像你說的投了四個硬幣,但是沒有退啊。壞了嗎?
B:Oh, the coin gets snapped. Let me see. Ur, press the button and then refund. OK, have a try.噢,吞幣了。我來看看。恩,按下按鈕,接著退幣。好了,試試吧。
A:It still doesn’t work. Ur, there is a sign that says we can call this number 80081234 if the coin couldn’t be refunded. Let’s have a try.還是沒退幣啊。恩,這有個標志牌上寫著如果不退幣請撥打80081234。我們試試吧。
B:Well, forget it.噢,算了吧。