Dreading your annual company picnic?
For many people, the prospect of making small talk with colleagues on a scorching weekend is far from appealing, and rife with potentially uncomfortable encounters. Regardless, experts say a summer outing can lead to prime networking opportunities unlikely to occur in the office.
Here are some survival tips:
It is important to broadcast enthusiasm and positivity while still 'being yourself,' says Hallie Crawford, owner of career-consulting firm Create Your Career Path in Atlanta. Colleagues, including your boss, are watching, she says, and your behavior will make an impression -- positive or negative -- that could affect your reputation.
亞特蘭大職業(yè)咨詢公司Create Your Career Path的老板哈莉•克勞福德(Hallie Crawford)說,你可以堅持“做你自己”,但對外傳播你的熱情和積極心態(tài)很重要。她表示,包括你老板在內的同事都在觀察,你的行為將給他們留下或正面或負面的印象,這可能會影響到你的聲譽。
When it comes to sports or games, get off the sidelines, says Tom Gimbel, CEO and founder of LaSalle Network, a recruiting, staffing and human-resource consulting firm in Chicago. (If you're not able to participate, cheer, offer to take photos or hand out food.)
LaSalle Network的首席執(zhí)行長兼創(chuàng)始人湯姆•金貝爾(Tom Gimbel)表示,在體育活動和玩游戲時,不要當一個旁觀者。(若不能參與其中,你可以當啦啦隊員,給大家拍照或者發(fā)放食物)。LaSalle Network是芝加哥的一家招聘、人事和人力資源咨詢公司。
If others are drinking, feel free to partake, says Dan Schawbel, author of 'Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success.' If you're unsure of how much consumption is appropriate, keep it to one drink, Mr. Schawbel says.
丹•施瓦貝爾(Dan Schawbel)表示,如果其他人在飲酒,你就盡管加入吧。如果不確定喝多少合適,那么就喝一杯。施瓦貝爾是《提升自己:職場成功的新規(guī)則》(Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success)一書的作者。
Take your dress-code cues from the venue (is it a picnic in the park? a gathering at a co-worker's home?), as well as from your general office culture, Mr. Schawbel says. In most cases, keep it casual, but err on the conservative side, Ms. Crawford says. If you're new to the firm, ask a colleague what to wear, Mr. Gimbel says.
If the event allows for a plus-one, reserve the invitation for your spouse, or a significant other you've been dating for at least three to six months, Mr. Gimbel says. Give your partner a crash course on who's who in your workplace before you arrive, and a heads-up before you introduce him or her to your boss, Ms. Crawford says.
If it is a family event and you have young children, set a time limit, Ms. Crawford suggests. If your children can only behave for an hour, only stay for an hour.
Use the outing as an opportunity to get to know someone from another department, Mr. Gimbel says. Strike up a casual conversation with an eye toward forming a connection you could potentially tap down the line.
The Exit
Before you make your escape, don't forget to thank the hosts or organizers, experts say.